Hello everyone and welcome back from the Easter break! I hope everyone is well stocked up on enough chocolate to fuel them through to the end of term!
So, hands up who’s free 12:45- 2:00pm on April 30th? If your hand is up, then you are warmly invited to a Singing Showcase night run by our partner Emerging voices! It promises to be a great event, as our first in-person showcase, with song performances from local volunteer students.

Emerging voices is a local music charity who run the Communitas Choir in partnership with Converge. The choir meets in the YSJ Chapel every Tuesday evening and provides a welcoming and positive space for members to enjoy the uplifting experience of singing together. Emerging Voices also offer instrumental and singing tuition, mentoring in composition and song writing, and training in music production. Through partnership with Converge Records they have also supported artists and choirs to record and release their own albums and EPs. Events such as next week’s showcase, open mic nights, and music concerts give artists the opportunity to perform and share their talent and creativity.
The event is taking place in the Recital Room in York St John’s Creative Centre (So it is also a great opportunity for a snoop around the sparkly new building)! If you would like to come along, then click this link to bag yourself a ticket!… https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ev-singing-showcase-2022-tickets-315429477057
We would love to see you there!
Best wishes
Eleanor 😊