We’re starting something new! Next Wednesday- the 30th of March- will be the first of the Converge Information Seminar Series (CISS). This is a series of talks organised by Converge to offer you time to join in information sharing and discussion on a range of topics relevant to you and your needs and interests. We will be inviting experts in each of the chosen topics to share their knowledge and skills with us, with time to ask questions and gain helpful tips.

We are kicking off the series with a seminar on ‘Gas and Electricity- your energy options in changing times.’ Kate Urwin, AKA the Yorkshire Energy Doctor (Yorkshire’s own Money Saving Expert!) will be coming to share her specialist knowledge with us on how to save money and energy!
The event promises to be a great help with understanding what is happening with energy prices, how this impacts you and what government support is available. Kate can also give you tips on managing your bills, ways to save energy at home, explain what schemes are available to help and answer any questions you have.

The seminar will take place from 1-2pm on Wednesday, 30th March on Zoom. If you would like to come along give Robert an email via ‘r.bennett@yorksj.ac.uk‘ and we’ll get that Zoom link to you!
Personally, I am going to go and turn up the energy levels with another cup of tea!
Wishing you all the best!
Eleanor 🙂