Hi every one! I thought as it has been such a lovely sunny week (despite the occasional down pour!) that this week I would share a few thoughts and inspirations for ways to make the most of the Summer sun and get creative outdoors!
What a Wonderful World
Just stepping onto our front steps or sticking a head out of the window, we are bombarded with the sound of bird song, the smell or fresh cut grass, the sprinkling feeling of warm evening rain, and the sight of the world in bloom. When walking the streets, a glance upward can reveal secrets we never spotted before- hidden cat statues all around York, a crooked old building perched on a familiar shop front, rows of chimney pots, swirling clouds, and stunning starry nights.
If you like to sketch or write, why not carry a note book with you and take a moment when waiting for a late bus, or eating your lunch in town to creatively capture what your senses are experiencing? At home you could try sitting in the back garden, or perching in a porch and just sketching or writing as the world outside inspires you.
If you’re more of a musician, why not take your instrument or your recording equipment outside and see how the sounds of the world inspire you! I recommend this beautiful album, inspired and composed from recordings of bird songs! https://open.spotify.com/album/553j48Nz4NFnIsV4Bk2wef?si=01SIlivdTrqDeZAeFY6NzQ

Making A Mess
A wonderful thing about creating outside is that there is plenty of space to make a mess, and away from the carpet! During a recent warm Spring evening I discovered my new favourite activity- Shaving foam Printing! I had a wonderful time in my garden making gorgeous marbled patterns, while spreading shaving foam all over myself, my only baking tray, and the garden table behind my student house! Luckily the beauty of this craft is that it all wipes away very easily, so I’m not in disgrace with my landlady!
Shaving foam prints are a wonderfully easy craft to do! All you will need is some shaving foam, some acrylic/poster paint or inks, some card to print onto, something thin like a cocktail stick or the end of a paintbrush, a ruler, and a tray. Check out how to do it below! You’ll be amazed by how the patterns just appear! And the products make great backgrounds for sketches, notebook covers, cards, scrap booking, or just kept as artworks in themselves.
Funky Photography
At such a beautiful time of year, it can be hard to resist stopping to snap a photo every now and then. If you’re a fan of a nice nature shot, why not try spicing it up a bit by playing around with a few funky techniques. It could be using a micro lens to focus in on the finer details, playing with perspectives, experimenting with mirrors, or dragging a friend along and mixing some nature with portraiture. Here’s some fun examples to inspire you!
Fairies, Flowers and Finds
We all love to find something unexpected and creative things in the world around us. For example, the beautiful fairy trail beside the canal in York where a numerous and growing population of fairy habitats can be found.
Some simple creativity in a surprising place can make someone’s day, so why not try making something from natural materials and hiding it somewhere for people to find! You could try making your own fairy settlement, or other traces of mysterious forest creatures! Or maybe a mobile from flowers, or a picture or model from sticks and leaves? Here’s a few more ideas!….
I hope this has given you all some inspiration to creatively enjoy the outdoors and the sunshine over this next week! As always, please do share your creations with me, I would love to see! you can send them to e.thompson1@yorksj.ac.uk
Best wishes everyone!