Hello everyone!
Hope you are all feeling super duper excited for the 13th of June!! What? No, Not because it’s my 21st Birthday! Aw, well I wasn’t going to mention it but as you’ve twisted my arm, happy birthday to me I guess! But I actually came to tell you about another, even more important and exciting happening! On Monday we will be welcoming 17 students from Pacific University in Oregon.We have been working with Pacific University since 2019 to establish a version of Converge’s teaching model in the US.
The Pacific Uni students will be staying with us for two weeks and we have all sorts of plans to show off our city and our amazing Converge community while they are here! The plan is to give the students the first week to settle into Converge and get to know our team. They’ll have the opportunity to get involved in our ‘Play in a Day’ Performance with our ambassadors (which you can see the final performance of on Thursday the 16th at 4pm) and explore the historic York sights!
In the second week of their visit the pacific students will be delivering one hour workshops as part of our annual Converge Summer School! These will cover a whole range of subjects, including drawing and painting, yoga, sports games and nature journaling! Personally loving the sound of that last one!
Getting involved in the summer school is a great way to meet our lovely American partners, and make them feel welcomed during their visit as well as having a great time learning some new skills and enjoying the Summer time!

Before I go, also just a reminder that next Wednesday- the 15th of June- you are all invited to Converge’s annual sharing festival. The festival will be on from 12 until 5pm and is a celebration of all the amazing work and talent of our Converge Community, including performances from our choir and theatre groups, music students and exhibitions of art works from students involved in Converge’s art classes.
Buckle up everyone, It’s an exciting week ahead!
Best wishes,